Not too long ago I accompanied my dad to a doctor
appointment. It was wet and very cold outside. The parking lot and sidewalk
were a bit slippery. As my dad and I were walking into the building a car
pulled up, and a very frail, elderly woman got out of the car. She crept slowly
toward the front door, one very tiny step at a time. She looked like she might
topple over, as she was so unsteady on her feet. I stepped toward her and offered
her my arm. She gladly took it. I could see she was not going to make it far
without some help, even after we entered the building. I walked her very slowly
to the office she needed. She was afraid her husband would not know where she
had gone so I walked back to the front doors to let him know she was waiting in
the office. I waited for what seemed like a long time. Then, I saw him, slowly
approaching the front door of the building. This man was bent and decrepit,
walking with a cane. Every step was almost painful for me to watch. I stepped
through the doors, back out into the cold, and offered the man my arm. He was
just a bit gruff, and declined, indicating he had the cane. I explained to him his
wife was waiting at the end of the hall in the office. He thanked me and told
me his wife never would have made it without help down the hall. He said he
always helped support her if she had to walk more than a few steps. This
elderly man was barely able to keep himself upright, and moving as slowly as
I’d ever seen someone move, yet he was normally his tottering wife’s support! I
walked with him to the office. I chatted with both of the older folks for a few
more minutes. As I left, I stopped and quietly urged the receptionist to use a
wheelchair to help the woman get back to her car.
I have thought about those folks several times since
then and wondered how they are doing. They appeared to be long past the ability
to live independently. I hope they are safe and well, and together.
What made me stop and offer my arm to the woman? What
made me return to ask her husband if he needed help and then almost physically
ache when I saw how difficult it was for him to walk? What made me press the
receptionist to help them with a wheelchair? What makes me wonder about them from
time to time? It’s a kind of caring concern called empathy. Having compassion
for someone and being able to put yourself in their shoes motivates people to
stop and help others. Those two elderly people touched my heart. But where does
empathy come from? Is it something that we are born with? Is it something we
are taught? Does it grow gradually over years, starting small and then
My four boys. They are alike, yet so different. |
I’ve discovered a few things about empathy since I
started raising kids. One of those things being: how it is acquired. Years ago
I might have argued that empathy will not come naturally to children and has to
be taught. And then my second son was born. From his toddlerhood on I saw a kid
whose heart was tender and caring. He wanted nothing more than to make others
happy. If he had a cookie he’d give it away. While I was trying to teach my
other children to share, I was trying to teach this little guy to stick up for
himself. I remember showing him that he should break his cookie in half and
give half away but keep some for himself. He is one of the most caring people I
have ever met. But I cannot really take credit. For him, it just seemed to be
there from the beginning. My other children did have to be taught empathy and
they have all become such caring and wonderful people. It took a little longer
for some of the kids to learn to put others’ needs before their own than it did
for the others. Being the parent of seven I saw a lot of different
personalities and was amazed often at how differently they all learned and
needed to be taught. Sometimes I just wanted to “knock” some empathy into them,
showing that I myself needed to become quite a bit more empathetic at times.
I said all of the above to finally get to this. One of
the characteristics of autism is aloofness, the lack of interest or concern for
others. It is also hard for a child with autism to generalize the things they
learn. In other words, something a child learns in one situation will not be
applied in another setting. So teaching Tate about compassion and empathy has
been very hard. I see progress though. He sometimes asks me if I feel better if
he knows I have an ache or pain. He has started carrying the laundry hamper
down to me when it is full without being told because he knows it makes me
happy and it hurts my back to carry that full hamper. He has learned to try to listen
to his friends at school when they talk to him because he knows it is important
to them. Once in a while Tate offers to share things like cookies with his
siblings and that is fairly new. All these things have been taught to him
individually. I could not just explain the golden rule to him and expect him to
apply it to his life. I have to teach it to him for each scenario I’d like to
see him use it in.
Tate will do what he is told usually. He does want to
please people. Like most people with autism he is a rule follower. He just has
to be told the rules. The hardest part of teaching him to help others is
getting him to recognize, without being told, what someone’s need is. Being
young is part of it of course. Probably a lot of thirteen-year-old boys would
walk right past an elderly woman who could have used their assistance because
they do not realize what is needed. But there are many things Tate should have
mastered a long time ago that he still struggles to understand.
For example: For years we have worked on the etiquette
that surrounds doorways. It just seems to come naturally for his classmates to
catch a door that is about to close and then hold it for the next person to
grab. I don’t imagine anyone has ever had a door holding lesson for any of those
kids. Instead they were taught to be kind and polite as a general rule and have
begun to care for those around them and they act on those feelings throughout
their day. They would never consider letting a door slam on a classmate. They
can think about how that might feel and empathize with the one behind them.
When Tate comes to a door, if another person is
holding it, he just squeezes through, never reaching to help with the door. If
he approaches the door at the same time as another person he never offers to
open it. He waits for them to open it for him. If he did have it open and
another person was right behind him he’d just let it fall closed. He wouldn’t
wait for them to reach out and grab it and he certainly wouldn’t hold it open
for them. It is not that he is UNKIND. It is just that he does not think about
being KIND. It does not seem to occur to him. Tate’s teachers and schoolmates
have worked with him on this type of etiquette a number of times over the years
and so have I. I remind him lately in the mornings before he exits my car to
hold the door for the student behind him when he enters the school building.
So, he has started trying to calculate his entry into the building so no one is
around him at all. He slows his pace if someone else is walking up so he won’t
have to try to figure out which of the etiquette rules applies. All these
things that everyone else learns easily are still a mystery to him.
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Tate might be able to quote the golden rule, but he
needs to be taught how it applies in every situation individually. And he won’t
just learn it by example. He has to be taught with direct instruction. We can
teach him to hold the door for someone, teach him to share a package of cookies
with his siblings, teach him to be attentive when his friends at school are talking
to him, and teach him to take turns with a video game, but when a new situation
comes up, one he has not been taught about before, he probably will not step up
and behave as if he cares about anyone’s interest but his own. There will be
literally hundreds, maybe thousands of things he will need to be taught. It
becomes more evident to me every day.
This morning, my husband and I went out for breakfast.
We finished eating and were just visiting when my husband noticed there were a
lot of people in the lobby waiting for tables. So, instead of lingering at the
table, making others wait longer, we jumped up and gave up our table. That is
not something anyone had specifically taught us as children. We do it because
we want to be kind and compassionate. We want to treat others the way we would
want to be treated. Empathy comes naturally to us now. We have generalized that
golden rule to all situations throughout our day. Can you imagine what it would
be like if you could not generalize the things you learn in one situation and
apply them to another? Can you imagine what it would be like if you had to be
taught what was expected of you in every situation you might run into? Can you
imagine what it would be like if your family were constantly becoming
exasperated with you for not doing the right thing when you do not even know
what the right thing to do is? People with autism are not necessarily rude or
uncaring. Sometimes they appear rude or uncaring because they just do not know
what is expected of them nor can they figure that out based on similar
experiences. And so I teach empathy. And I explain empathy. And I have empathy for
the one I am teaching empathy to. He is like the elderly lady I helped down the
hall in so many ways, and I am like the man. Tate needs my support and guidance
to make it a short distance, yet I am wobbly on my own proverbial feet at
times. I can drive him right up to the door of empathy and I have to hope others are
there to offer him their arm or even a wheelchair and help him make it down the hall.
You might also like: Kindness and Mistletoe
And.... I wrote another blog post expanding on the door thing: It's not that complicated!
And.... I wrote another blog post expanding on the door thing: It's not that complicated!